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1831- , Papers/Documents relating to the Massachusetts Claim
SEE ALSO 23825.1832 **Senate No. 5 On December 16, 1831, J. Davis, a Massachusetts representative in Congress, wrote to the Secretary of War asking
if the militia claim could be reopened. "No," said the Secretary. **Senate No. 60 Documents relating to Massachusetts claim. On March 19,
1835, Governor Armstrong said he had these documents. Should he proceed to dig deeper, or let this go? A letter of February 24, 1835, asked the
Secretary of War if there had been any progress on Massachusetts' claim and when could the state expect a report? The Massachusetts delegation was copied on
the letter. On February 27, a letter from the Secretary enclosed the Third Auditor's report. This report said Governor Davis had been notified that
an "Admissible" group of items would be submitted for payment, but the Miscellaneous group was not admissible. However, another letter of December
28, 1832 had asked for an audit of the Miscellaneous group and the Secretary of War had told the auditor not to proceed. (Digitized from a microfilm
copy of title originally held by the Massachusetts State Library).
Title:   Papers relating to the Massachusetts claim.
OCLC Number:   1399136255
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1839 Jan.YesNo