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1751-04-18, Arrest warrant for R. Howland & F. Little
April 18, 1751 Proclamation from Governor Spencer Phips ordering the arrest of Robert Howland and Fobes Little for allegedly writing the ballad "A
Sad and deplorable Lamentation" which was profane and impious. A reward of ten pounds was offered. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of a title
originally held by the Massachusetts Historical Society Library).
Title:   By the Honourable Spencer Phips, Esq ; ... A proclamation : Whereas there has been lately published and dispersed within this province, an anonymous paper in the form of a ballad, called, a Sad and deplorable lamentation, &c.--wherein are contained many expressions horribly prophane and impious ... and tend very much to weaken, if not subvert the happy constitution of this government: and whereas one Robert Howland of Duxbury, and one Fobes Little of Little-Compton, are informed against for industriously publishing and dispersing, and one or both of them strongly suspected to be the authors of the paper aforesaid ... Given at the Council-chamber in Boston, the eighteenth day of April 1751 ...
OCLC Number:   62814687
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