Description and Holding Information
1821, New York Con. Conv. Proceedings and debates (Albany)
The Reports of the proceedings and debates of the 1821 New York Constitutional Convention, from August 18 to November 10, 1821. Nathaniel H. Carter and William Stone were the reporters; Marcus T. C. Gould was the stenographer. The reports were published by E and E Hosford in 1821. The volume contained the constitution of 1777, the acts of March and April, 1821 to call a convention, a full journal of the proceedings and debates of the Convention in chronological order, reports of the several committees, some of the the ayes and noes on all important questions and the constitution, as amended. Included was an appendix, containing several relevant documents and an index which also listed the members and their contributions during the convention. Of note, Martin Van Buren, a state senator was a member of the delegation. (Source of the digitized copy: Library of Congress).
Reports of the proceedings and debates of the Convention of 1821, assembled for the purpose of amending the constitution of the state of New York : containing all the official documents relating to the subject, and other valuable matter / by Nathaniel H. Carter and William L. Stone, reporters; and Marcus T. C. Gould, stenographer.
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