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Kaeckenbeeck, International Rivers, 1920
International Rivers, by Georges Kaeckenbeeck. Published by H. M. Stationery Office (London 1920). 6 + 68 p. The title page identifies this
publication: “Handbooks Prepared Under the Direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office. –No. 149.” Contents include an editorial note; the
Introduction; and sections on Legal Theories and Principles (including Roman Law, Sovereignty and Conventional System); The Practice of States: Development
of the Conventional System (The Congress of Vienna, Application of the Principles of the Congress of Vienna (agreements concerning The Danube, and The
Conference of Berline, 1884-5); Conclusions; and Appendixes (description of American Rivers; and excerpts from The Final Act of the Congress of
Vienna; the Treaty of Paris, 1856; and the Treaty of Bucharest, 1918; and Authorities (a bibliography including treaty collections, treatises,
Parliamentary papers, and maps).
Title:   International rivers / by Georges Kaeckenbeeck, B.C.L., member of the Legal Section of the International Secretariat (League of Nations).
OCLC Number:   682532325
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