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Jitta, Renovation of International Law, 1919
The Renovation of International Law on the Basis of a Juridical Community of Mankind. Systematically developed by Prof. Dr. D. Josephus Jitta.
Published by Martinus Nijhoff (The Hague 1919). xvi + 196 p. Contents of this report includes the preface; the main work arranged in four chapters: I,
Object and Scheme of the Work; II, The System (18 sections arranged under headings: Public and Private International Law); III, A Few Considerations on the
Positive Law of War; and IV, Synopsis of my Conclusions.
Title:   The renovation of international law : on the basis of a juridical community of mankind, systematically developed / by Prof Dr. D. Josephus Jitta, Councillor of State etc. at the Hague.
OCLC Number:   607639274
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