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Wigmore, Panorama of the World's Legal Systems, c1928 (3 volumes)
A Panorama of the World’s Legal Systems, by John Henry Wigmore. Published in three volumes by West Publishing Company (St. Paul 1928). xxxi + 1206 p.
Contents include chapters describing world legal systems, including the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Hebrew, Chinese, Hindu, Greek, Roman, Japanese,
Mohammedan, Keltic, Slavic, Germanic, Maritime, Papal (Canon), Romanesque, and Anglican systems; Epilogue: The Evolution of Legal Systems; and Appendixes,
including a World-Map of Present-Day Legal Systems; with Illustrations and an Index. Volume One includes an Author’s Note and a Table of Contents to
the whole set. Volume Three includes maps, a list of illustrations, appendixes and the Index.
Title:   A panorama of the world's legal systems / by John Henry Wigmore, professor of law in Northwestern University, with five hundred illustrations.
OCLC Number:   602773306
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Volume 1YesYes
Volume 2YesYes
Volume 3YesYes