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Savigny, Private International Law and the Retrospective Operation of Statutes, 1880 (2nd edition revised)
Private International Law, and the Retrospective Operation of Statutes. A Treatise on the Conflict of Laws and the Limits of Their Operation in
Respect of Place and Time. By Friedrich Carl von Savigny. Translated, with notes, by William Guthrie. With an Appendix containing the treatises of
Bartolus, Molinaeus, Paul Voet, and Huber. Second Edition, revised, published by T. & T. Clark (Edinburgh) and Stevens & Sone (London), 1880. xii + 567 p.
Contents include preface to Second Edition; an Index of Cases; the translator’s introduction; a preface (1849); the main work in two Chapters: I, Local
Limits of the Authority of the Rules of Law Over the Legal Relations; and II, Limits in Time of the Authority of Rules of Law Over Legal Relations;
five Appendixes, including Memoir of von Savigny; and an Index of Subjects.
Title:   Private international law and the retrospective operation of statutes : a treatise on the conflict of laws and the limits of their operation in respect of place and time / by Friedrich Carl von Savigny ; translated, with notes, by William Guthrie, with an appendix containing the treatises of Bartolus, Molinaeus, Paul Voet, and Huber.
OCLC Number:   654335586
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Vol. 1YesYes