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Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920). International Air Navigation, 1919
60th Congress, 1st Session, Senate Document No. 91. International Air Navigation Convention Relating to Regulation of International Air Navigation Agreed to by the Allied and Associated Powers (French and English texts). Presented by Mr. Knox, September 15, 1919. Published by GPO (Washington 1919). 117 p. Contents include the text of the Convention in English and French on alternating pages; Appendixes: I, Regular Reports; II, Special Reports; III, Forecasts; IV, General Form in Which Reports Are to Be Rendered and Codes for Their Transmission; Annex H, Customs; and Regulations Applicable to Aircraft and Goods.
International air navigation : Convention Relating to Regulation of International Air Navigation agreed to by the Allied and associated powers. (French and English texts).
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