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Ryan, Literature of Native Administration, [1936?]
The Literature of Native Administration: An Analysis of Books and Articles Dealing with the Education, Health and Other Activities of Native Peoples.
Compiled by W. Carson Ryan, Jr. Published by United States Indian Service, Department of the Interior (Washington, D.C.). 46 p. Contents include the
foreword; an overview of the literature, citing specific collections arranged in sections, together with an Unclassified List of Additional
References, pp. 41-46. (A note on the title page states: “This is a preliminary sampling, prepared for submission to directors of native affairs, government
officers in education and other fields, members of university departments of anthropology and sociology, and others concerned with the welfare of native
peoples.” The foreword identifies this publication as “the beginning of an effort to bring together in convenient form for the use of administrators
and students of native affairs the more significant publications in their field. It is a sampling only.”)
Title:   The literature of native administration : an analysis of books and articles dealing with the education, health, and other activities of native peoples / compiled by W. Carson Ryan, Jr.
OCLC Number:   1404073777
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