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Crabb, English Synonymes Explained, 1900 (New edition, with additions and corrections)
English Synomymes Explained in Alphabetical Order, with copious illustrations and examples drawn from the best writers, to which is now added an
Index to the words. By George Crabb. New Edition with additions and corrections published by Harper & Brothers (New York and London 1900). 856 p. Contents
include a preface; the alphabetical list of discussed words, their synonyms and quoted passages that illustrate the use of each; and an alphabetical
index to page numbers.
Title:   English synonymes explained in alphabetical order : with copious illustrations and examples drawn from the best writers, to which is now added an index to the words / by George Crabb, A.M.
OCLC Number:   1273198057
Available Volumes
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Volume 1YesYes