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Riggs, Dakota-English Dictionary, 1890
A Dakota-English Dictionary, by Stephen Return Riggs. Edited by James Owen Dorsey. Published by the Department of the Interior and printed by GPO
(Washington 1890). x + 665 p. Contents include a Note by the Director, J. W. Powell (quoting the preface to the grammar and dictionary by S. R. Riggs,
published by the Smithsonian Institution in1852); the letter of transmittal, from J. Owen Dorsey (ethnologist) to Powell (November 1, 1889); the
Dakota-English Dictionary (pp. 1-652); and an Appendix (pp. 653-665), containing additional words from the Titonwan forms of the language and some not
Title:   A Dakota-English dictionary / by Stephen Return Riggs ; edited by James Owen Dorsey.
OCLC Number:   568043678
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