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Westin, Computers, Health Records, and Citizen Rights, 1976
Computers, Health Records, and Citizen Rights, by Alan F. Westin, Department of Political Science, Columbia University. Sponsored by the Institute
for Computer Science and Technology, National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department on Commerce. Printed by GPO (Washington 1976). xxi + 381 p. Contents
of this document include a Foreword by Ruth M. Davis, Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology; a Preface to Alan Westin; the Executive Summary
and Introduction; the report in 13 Chapters arranged in four parts: I, The World of Medical Data and Citizen Rights; II, Enter the Computer; III,
Profiles of Computerizing Organizations; and IV, Policy Alternatives; a Selected Bibliography; and 12 Appendices. (The cover page identifies this report
NBS Monograph 157.)
Title:   Computers, health records, and citizen rights / Alan F. Westin ; sponsored by the Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology, National Bureau of Standards.
OCLC Number:   568754812
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