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Levin, Impact of Criminal Court Sentencing Decisions and Structural Characteristics, 1973
The Impact of Criminal Court Sentencing Decisions and Structural Characteristics, by Martin A. Levin. Distributed by the National Technical
Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce (Springfield, Va. 1973). xiii + 67 p. This document includes a summary and chapters on non-experimental
analysis and evaluation; controlled experimental analysis and evaluation; the evaluation of alternative criminal court sentencing policies; and some policy
implications; and endnotes citing sources consulted. (From the abstract: “This is a preliminary effort to analyze some problems in the evaluation of
policy impact in a general framework and in the specific context of the evaluation of the impact of alternative criminal court policies, especially on
Title:   The impact of criminal court sentencing decisions and structural characteristics / Martin A. Levin, Brandeis University, March 1973.
OCLC Number:   1144913771
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