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Kenny, History and Proposed Settlement, Claims of California Indians, [1944?]
History and Proposed Settlement, Claims of California Indians, by Robert W. Kenny. Publisher not stated. About 100 p. This document includes a
foreword; historical discussion, including sections on the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the defeat of the treaties, and action in Congress, the 1928
Jurisdictional Act and a proposed settlement; four Appendixes, including Details of the Proposed Settlement, with Schedules, the text of the Jurisdictional
Act of 1928, and the proposed settlement, with charts; and a photostatic copy of one of the original Indian treaties. (The cover page is omitted in the
Title:   History and proposed settlement, claims of California Indians.
OCLC Number:   1019543062
Available Volumes
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Vol. 1YesNo