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White House Office, International Crime Control Strategy, 1998
International Crime Control Strategy, The White House, May 1998. 93+vi p. with Annexes. Contents of this publication include a President’s Letter of
Transmittal (signed by Bill Clinton); ten chapters; and two annexes, including Summaries of Key Related Strategies. From the transmittal letter: “To
promote further progress, I called last year on the Departments of Justice, State and the Treasury to develop and implement a comprehensive national
strategy to fight international crime and reduce its impact on Americans. Working closely with numerous federal agencies, these departments have jointly
developed the International Crime Control Strategy: an innovative action plan that will serve as a roadmap for a coordinated, effective, long-term
attack on international crime. It sets out eight broad goals, such as combating smuggling, countering international financial crime and responding to
emerging threats like high-tech and computer-related crime. And it offers concrete steps to achieve them — including submitting to Congress for
consideration in this session the International Crime Control Act of 1998.”
Title:   International crime control strategy.
OCLC Number:   681712818
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