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Marshall. Beveridge, Life of John Marshall, 1916-1919 (4 volumes in 2)
The Life of John Marshall, by Albert J. Beveridge. Published in two volumes, containing the four original volumes, by Houghton Mifflin Company
(Boston and New York 1916). Vol. 1 (I, Frontiersman, Solder, Lawmaker, 1755-1788; II, Politician, Diplomate and Statesman, covering 1789-1801) includes a
preface, tables of contents, Appendix (List of Cases), and Bibliographies of works cited. Vol. 2 (III, Conflict and Construction, 1800-1815; and IV, The
Building of the Nation, 1815-1835) includes a preface, tables of contents and bibliographies, an Appendix and an index to the whole work.
Title:   The life of John Marshall / by Albert J. Beveridge.
OCLC Number:   563979511
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Volumes 1 and 2YesYes
Volumes 3 and 4YesYes