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Straus, Origin of Republican Form of Government in the United States of America, 1885
The Origin of Republican Form of Government in the United States of America, by Oscar S. Straus. Published by G. P. Putnam’s Sons (New York and
London 1885). 149+ix p. This volume includes these chapters: I. Introductory, American Colonies Prior to Revolution; II. The Political Causes of the
Revolution; III. Religious Causes of the Revolution; IV. The Genesis of the Republic; V. Monarchy and the Church; VI. The Hebrew Commonwealth, the First
Federal Republic; VII. The Influence of the Hebrew Commonwealth upon the Origin of Republican Government in the United States; and an Index.
Title:   The origin of republican form of government in the United States of America / by Oscar S. Straus.
OCLC Number:   656733620
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