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Tucker, Constitution of the United States, 1899 (2 vols.)
The Constitution of the United States: A Critical Discussion of Its Genesis, Development, and Interpretation, by John Randolph Tuckers (edited by
Henry St. George Tucker). Published in two volumes by Callaghan & Vol (Chicago 1899).The first volume includes the Preface and tables of contents for
both volumes, and Chapters I-X; the second volume includes Chapter X (cont’d)-XIV, an Appendix (reprinting historical documents including Magna Carta and
primary U.S. documents), and an Index to both volumes.
Title:   The Constitution of the United States : a critical discussion of its genesis, development, and interpretation / by John Randolph Tucker, LL. D., late professor of constitutional and international law and equity, Washington and Lee University ; edited by Henry St. George Tucker, professor of constitutional and international law and equity in Washington and Lee University.
OCLC Number:   62771682
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Vol. 1YesYes
Vol. 2YesYes