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Schellhous, New Republic, 1883
The New Republic, founded on the Natural and Inalienable Rights of Man, and containing The Outlines of Such a Government as the Patriot Fathers
Contemplated and Formulated in the Declaration of Independence, when Struggling for Liberty, by E. J. Schellhous. Published by John W. Lovell Company (New
York 1883). 354+iv p. Contents include a Summary at p. 313, and a Synopsis at p. 327.
Title:   The new republic : founded on the natural and inalienable rights of man, and containing the outlines of such a government as the patriot fathers contemplated and formulated in the Declaration of Independence, when struggling for liberty / by E.J. Schellhous, M.D.
OCLC Number:   555313711
Available Volumes
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Vol. 1YesYes