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Allen. Evolution of Government & Laws, 1922
The evolution of governments and laws; Exhibiting the governmental structures of ancient and modern states, their growth and decay and the leading principles of their laws: by Stephen Haley Allen, Vol. 1-2, Princeton, Princeton University Press, (1922). (“Published August, 1916. Revised ed., August 1922.” The appendix, v.2, pp. 359-615, contains: Code of Hammurabi, Laws of XII tables, Code of Manu, Assyrian law code, Institutes of Justinian, Penal code of China, Civil code of France, Civil code of Germany, Magna Charta, Constitution of Poland, Constitution of Czecho-Slovakia, Constitution of the United States, and t he Constitution of the German republic. Subject, constitutional history.)
The evolution of governments and laws : exhibiting the governmental structures of ancient and modern states, their growth and decay and the leading principles of their laws / by Stephen Haley Allen.
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