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Investment Migration Programs of Visa Waiver Program Countries, 2022
Investment Migration Programs of Visa Waiver Program Countries. Published by Law Library of Congress (March 2022). 28 p. Contents include an
Introduction; a map showing jurisdiction with investor visa program, those with both investor visa and citizenship programs and those with no such programs;
and a table showing for each of 40 jurisdictions whether they have an investment migration program, details of the program, whether immediate
citizenship is available, whether a pathway to citizenship is available, and citations to the legal authorities. (The Introduction states: “The following table
and accompanying map show those countries that participate in the United States visa waiver program,1 and whether or not they have an investment
migration program. Such programs enable applicants who make investments in the country to obtain either a visa to reside in the country or, more rarely,
citizenship. The Law Library found that 28 of the 40 jurisdictions that participate in the visa waiver program offer such investment migration
programs. In addition, the United Kingdom operated an investor visa program that was recently closed to new applicants. Most of the programs specify the
minimum amount and types of investment that must be made in order to qualify.”)
Title:   Investment migration programs of visa waiver program countries.
OCLC Number:   1311968112
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