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Great Debates in American History, 1913
Great debates in American history,from the debates in the British parliament on the Colonial stamp act (1764-1765) to the debates in Congress at the
close of the Taft administration (1912-1913): by Marion Mills Miller, 14 vols., New York, Current Literature Publishing Company, 1913. ( A collection
of debates covering such topics as colonial rights, the Constitution, foreign relations, slavery, the Civil War, and tariffs and taxation. Volume 14
has an index of persons and a subject index to the entire set.)
Title:   Great debates in American history : from the debates in the British Parliament on the Colonial Stamp Act (1764-1765) to the debates in Congress at the close of the Taft administration (1912-1913) / edited by Marion Mills Miller, Litt. D. (Princeton), editor of "The Life and Works of Abraham Lincoln," etc.
OCLC Number:   878088598
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Vol. 1YesYes
Vol. 2YesYes
Vol. 3YesYes
Vol. 4YesYes
Vol. 5YesYes
Vol. 6YesYes
Vol. 7YesYes
Vol. 8YesYes
Vol. 9YesYes
Vol. 10YesYes
Vol. 11YesYes
Vol. 12YesYes
Vol. 13YesYes
Vol. 14YesYes