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Cox, Union-Disunion-Reunion: Three Decades of Federal Legislation, 1855-1885, 1885
Union-Disunion-Reunion: Three Decades of Federal Legislation, 1855 to 1885. Personal and Historical Memories of Events Preceding, During and Since
the American Civil War, involving slavery and secession, emancipation and reconstruction, with sketches of prominent actors during three periods, by
Samuel S. Cox. Published by J. A. & R. A. Reid (Providence, R.I. 1885). 726 + 1 p. xxx Illustrated. Contents include a Preface by the author; the main
text in 40 chapters, and an Index. (The author was a Member of Congress during much of the period covered in this work.)
Title:   Union-disunion-reunion : Three decades of federal legislation, 1855 to 1885 : Personal and historical memories of events preceding, during and since the American civil war, involving slavery and secession, emancipation and reconstruction, with sketches of prominent actors during these periods / by Samuel S. Cox, member of Congress for twenty-four years. Author of "Buckeye abroad," "Why we laugh," "Winter sunbeams," "Arctic sunbeams," "Orient sunbeams," etc.
OCLC Number:   566000113
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Vol. 1YesYes