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McCullough, Men and measures of half a century, 1888
Men and Measures of Half a Century: Sketches and Comments. By Hugh McCulloch. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons (New York 1888). xxv + 542 p.
Contents include the author’s preface; and the main work in 34 chapters, on topics including his life in Indiana; his career with the Bank of Indiana;
national affairs including the election of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War; the author’s service as Secretary of the Treasury in the administrations of
Lincoln, Grant and Arthur; his life in London as member of banking firm; and a comparison of the governments of the United States and England; and an
Title:   Men and measures of half a century / sketches and comments by Hugh McCulloch, Secretary of the Treasury in the administrations of Presidents Lincoln, Johnson, and Arthur.
OCLC Number:   610580531
Available Volumes
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Vol. 1YesYes