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Gray, Nature & Sources of Law, 2ed., 1921
The nature and sources of the law: by John Chipman Gray from the author's notes by Roland Gray, 2nd ed., xviii + 348 p., Boston, Beacon Press, 1921.
( The second edition was in the planning stages when Professor John Chipman Gray died in 1915. The revision was completed by his son Roland Gray using
his father's notes. Chapters cover broad topics such as legal persons, the state, the courts, judicial precedents, and sources of the law. The table
of contents begins on p. xiii. A table of cases cited begins on p.335, a table of authors commented on or quoted begins on p.339, and a subject index
begins on p.341.)
Title:   The nature and sources of the law / by John Chipman Gray, LL.D., Yale and Harvard, late Royall Professor of Law in Harvard University.
OCLC Number:   1128180712
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