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Holmes, Jr., The Common Law, 1881, Repr. 2009
The common law: by O. (Oliver) W. Holmes, Jr., xvi+422p, Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1881; Repr. The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd., 2009. (This book by the
distinguished Supreme Court Justice and legal scholar Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., 1841-1935, is formatted as a series of lectures which explore the
early roots of liability, torts, contracts, bailments, and crimes in the emerging common law. Its most quoted axiom appears on the first page of
Lecture I. “The life of the law has not been logic: it has been experience.” That aphorism summarises Holmes career as a proponent of moral skepticism in
opposition to the previously dominant theory of natural law, and prefigures his influence upon judges faced with acceptance of New Deal regulatory law,
and upon the later legal schools of pragmatism, critical legal studies, and law and economics.)
Title:   The common law / by O.W. Holmes, Jr.
OCLC Number:   867780235
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