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De Tourtoulond, Philosophy in Law Devel., 1922
Philosophy in the development of law: by Pierre de Tourtoulon, transla. by Martha McC. Read, with a preface by Morris R. Cohen, and an intro. by
Andrew A. Bruce, lxi+653p, NY, Macmillan, 1922. (This work is Vol. XIIII of the “Modern Legal Philosophy Series”. De Tourtoulon was a professor of legal
history at the University of Lausanne.)
Title:   Philosophy in the development of law / by Pierre de Tourtoulon, Professor of Legal History in the University of Lausanne ; translated by Martha McC. Read of Washington, D.C. ; with an editorial preface by Morris R. Cohen, Professor of Philosophy in teh Colelge of the City of New York; and an introduction by Andrew A. Bruce, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of North Dakota, Professor of Law in the University of Minnesota.
OCLC Number:   71779128
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