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1883, Hogg, Compilation of Laws Relating to the Navy, Marine Corps, etc.
Compilation of laws relating to the Navy, Marine Corps, etc. from the revised statutes and subsequent acts to March 3, 1883: prep. by John W. Hogg,
401p, published by authority of the Navy dept., Wash., GPO, 1883. (A table of contents starts on p. 5; an index on p. 317.)
Title:   Compilation of laws relating to the Navy, Marine Corps, etc : from the Revised Statutes and subsequent acts, to March 3, 1883 / prepared by John W. Hogg, and published by authority of the Navy Department.
OCLC Number:   612709600
Original LLMC Number  89013
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Volume 1YesYes