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1973, Gilbert & Ellice Is., Laws in Force
The laws of the Gilbert & Ellice Islands; Containing the ordinances and subsididary legislation thereunder in force on the 1st day of July, 1973;
Together with certain orders in council and other provisions relating to the colony; Revised edition 1973: prep. by Basil Gerrard Smith, Vol. 1-3,
continuous pagination (1903+3p), London, Eyre & Spottis-wode, 1975. (A table of contents for all three volumes appears on p.vi; a numerical table of the
ordinances p. vii.)
Title:   The laws of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands : containing the ordinances and subsidiary legislation thereunder in force on the 1st day of July, 1973, together with certain orders in Council and other provisions relating to the Colony.
OCLC Number:   745680440
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Volume 1YesNo
Volume 2YesNo
Volume 3YesNo