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Commonwealth, 1951-, Cmwh. Relations Office List
The Commonwealth Relations Office list, annual, London, HMSO, var. dates. LLMC’s run currently contains the annuals for 1951, 1955 & 1960. (This
series of annuals lists the principal officials staffing the administration and courts of, and provides historical and statistical information for, those
imperial entities under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth Relations Office. After WWII this jurisdiction was quite expansive due to a
consolidation of agencies as follows. The Colonial Office had run the affairs of most of the British colonies from 1768 until after WW II; excepting for India and
a few related dependencies, which were run by the India Office. The span of control for the Colonial Office was diminished in 1925 when the Dominions
Office was created and given responsibility for relations with Australia, Canada, Newfoundland, New Zealand & South Africa. Then the Dominions Office
merged with the India Office in 1947 to form the Commonwealth Relations Office. The tenure of the Commonwealth Relations Office was relatively brief,
since in 1966 it merged with the Colonial Office to form the Commonwealth Office, which, in turn, merged with the Foreign Office in 1968 to become
the current Foreign & Commonwealth Office.)
Title:   The Commonwealth Relations Office list.
OCLC Number:   560591296
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