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Colonial Office List (HMSO)
The Colonial Office List, 1946; Comprising historical and statistical information reflecting the colonial empire, lists of officers serving in the
colonies, etc., and other information; First Edition, to be continued: London, HMSO, 1946–. Nothing was issued for 1947, but this publication became an
annual in 1948. LLMC’s run currently contains the annuals for 1946, 1948–50, 1955, 1960 & 1965. (The primary goal of this publication is to list all
of the important personnel staffing the colonial dependencies subject to the Colonial office. In addition, each annual provides a wealth of historical
and statistical information for each dependency. The predecessor of this series, a private publication compiled from official sources entitled The
Dominions Office and Colonial Office List was issued up to 1940. After the Second World War the Colonial office decided to issue a separate publication
as an official book of reference. From 1696 to 1782 the affairs of the British colonies were supervised by a body styled “The Board of Trade.” During
the American Revolutionary War the Secretary of the Board of Trade acquired the title of Secretary of State for War and the Colonies. A colonial
department was established in 1768, soon displacing the Board of Trade as the all-powerful Colonial Office, which ran the affairs of most of the colonies,
excepting India, until well into the 20th century. A Dominions Office was created in 1925. It merged with the India Office in 1947 to form the Office
of Commonwealth Relations. This then merged with the Colonial Office in 1966 to form the Commonwealth Office. The latter, in turn, merged with the
Foreign Office in 1968 to become the Foreign & Commonwealth Office.)
Title:   The Colonial Office list.
OCLC Number:   560843704
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