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Constitutions of All Countries: The British Empire, 1938
The constitutions of all countries, Vol. 1, The British Empire: na, prepared in the Foreign Office, vii+678p, London, HMSO, 1938. (“Considerations of
space and cost have rendered it impossible to reproduce all the documents in extenso. A number are printed in full on account of their importance, or
in order to serve as specimens, but in many cases space is economized by omitting features which are unimportant or common to all instruments of the
particular kind. In certain instances the mere indication of legislation has made it possible to dispense with the production of texts.” — from
Preface. Even in those cases where documentation is omitted or truncated, the statutory citations showing constitutional progress from the beginning up to
1938 are useful and thorough. Despite the “Vol. 1” in the title, it does not appear that any other volumes in this series were ever issued.)
Title:   The Constitutions of all countries.
OCLC Number:   568745974
Available Volumes
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Volume 1YesYes