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Mining Laws, Alford, 1906
Mining Law of the British Empire: by Charles J. Alford, xii+300p, London, Charles Griffin & Co., 1906. (This text opens with a general treatise on
the mining laws of the world, and in British dependencies in particular. Separate sections follow dealing with the evolution and practice of mining law
in the following British dependencies: Canada, British Guiana, Burma, Cape Colony, Ceylon, Cyprus, Egypt/Sudan, Gold Coast/ Ashanti, India, Malaya,
Natal, New South Wales, New Zealand, North Borneo, Orange River Colony, Queensland, the Rhodesias, South Australia, Tasmania, Transvaal, Victoria, and
Western Australia.)
Title:   Mining law of the British empire / by Charles J. Alford.
OCLC Number:   60733304
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Volume 1YesYes