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Constitutions of Br. Colonies, Stokes, 1783
A view of the constitution of the British colonies in North-America and the West Indies, at the time the civil war broke out on the continent of America, in which notice is taken of such alterations as have happened since that time, down to the present period; With a variety of colonial precedents, which are chiefly adapted to the British West India Islands; and may be useful to those, who have any intercourse with the Colonies: by Anthony Stokes, xvi+555p, London, pr. for the author by B. White, 1783. (Stokes served in the colonial administrations of various of the West Indian colonies, ending up as Chief Justice of the Colony of Georgia at the time of the American revolution. His work, a primer on colonial administration then existing, is copiously illustrated with actual documents used in that system. It is particularly rich in materials for the various courts of civil, criminal and vice-admiralty jurisdiction. The work also provides valuable background on general life and the social mores of the times. Its Chap. XVI, “Of the Negroes in the Colonies, and the mode of conveying and manumitting them,” is truly harrowing, providing a first-hand account of the actual conditions under which slaves were employed in the sugar and rice colonies.)
A view of the constitution of the British colonies, in North America and the West Indies, at the time the civil war broke out on the continent of America : in which notice is taken of such alterations as have happened since that time, down to the present period ... / by Anthony Stokes.
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