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Commonwealth of Nations, Hall, 1920
A study in its past and future development: by H. Duncan Hall, xviii+393p+diagrams, London, Methuen and Co., n.d. (The verso of the t.p. carries the
legend “First published in 1920”) (Hall is concerned principally with the relations between the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, South Africa and
New Zealand. “It is with … the problem of international government presented by {their} relationships that this book is mainly concerned. Its aim is to
trace the rise of this problem, to give a critical account of the momentous developments of the last few years, to investigate the various aspects of
the problem as it faces us today, and to suggest the general lines along which the British Commonwealth should develop in the future, not merely in
respect of its internal relations, but also in respect to its relations with the all-inclusive League of nations.”—p. vii.)
Title:   The British commonwealth of nations : a study of its past and future development / by H. Duncan Hall.
OCLC Number:   262626699
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