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Governance, Broad Stone of Empire, Bruce, 1910
Problems of crown colony administration; With records of personal experience: by Sir Charles Bruce, Vol. 1–2 + maps, London, Macmillan, 1910. (Sir Charles began the prominent portion of his career in 1878, when he was appointed Dir. of Public Instruction in Ceylon, where he established the colony’s public school system. In 1883 he became the Acting Gov. of Mauritius, and then served successively as Lt. Gov. of Br. Guiana, Gov. of the Windward Islands {1893–}, and Governor of Mauritius {to 1903}. His work covers such subjects as labour, race, public health, education, government relations with religion, agriculture, forestry, commerce, finance, transport, meteorology, fiscal systems, imperial communications and defense in light of his experiences in those colonies.)
The broad stone of empire : problems of crown colony administration, with records of personal experience / by Sir Charles Bruce.
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