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Colonial Laws, Laws of the Br. Colonies, Howard, 1827
in the West Indies and other parts of America, concerning real and personal property, and manumission of slaves; with a view of the constitution of each colony: by John H. Howard, 2 volumes in 1 book, 8vo, London, W.H. Bond, 1827. (This pioneering work was compiled from the original manuscripts of the laws held in the library of the office of the Secretary of State for the Colonial Department. The property laws for each jurisdiction are discussed separately, along with detailed descriptions of the constitutions and judicial systems of the jurisdiction as they existed in 1827. Note that, in the context of the covered Caribbean jurisdictions, “property laws” were inextricably tied in with the institutions of slavery. Separate index/digests for the laws of each jurisdiction are provided at the end of Vol. 2. This work is cited elsewhere in this text where relevant. See also Howard’s Duties of Solicitors, described in the West Indies, Miscellaneous Treatises below, p. 164. Curiously, the Oxford copy {Oxf=CW Gen 510 H849} is also in 2 vols. and was published in London in 1827, but it bears the imprint: “Printed for Butterworth & Sons by A. Strahan.”)
The laws of the British colonies, in the West Indies and other parts of America : concerning real and personal property and manumission of slaves, with a view of the constitution of each colony / by John Henry Howard.
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