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Responsible Gov. in Dominions, Keith, 1912, Rev. Ed.
Responsible Government in the Dominions; Revised edition: by Arthur B. Keith, Vol. 1–3, Oxford, Clarendon Pr., 1912. (This authoritive text fleshes
out the themes first advanced in briefer form by Keith in his first edition of 1909, also offered on this site. In 1928 Keith published another edition
of this work which was somewhat confusingly labeled “Second Edition, Rewritten and revised to 1927.” That edition is also offered on this site. A.
Berriedale Keith, 1879-1944, was a Scottish constitutional lawyer who served with high distinction in the Colonial office from 1901-14. In 1914 he
became Regius Professor of Sanscrit and Lecturer in Constitutional Law in the University of Edinburgh.)
Title:   Responsible government in the dominions / by Arthur Berriedale Keith.
OCLC Number:   190866605
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Volume 1YesYes
Volume 2YesYes
Volume 3YesYes