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Slavery, 1823, Improving the condition of the slaves in the British colonies
Thoughts on the necessity of improving the condition of the slaves in the British colonies: with a view to their ultimate emancipation; and on the
practicability, the safety, and the advantages of the latter measure: by Thomas Clarkson, 60p., London, Printed by Richard Taylor, 1823. (This title
first appeared in a periodical called The Inquirer and is printed without substantial changes. In the preface the author does indicate he had overrated
the improvements that had taken place and argues and the West Indians must be convinced they would benefit from emancipation.)
Title:   Thoughts on the necessity of improving the condition of the slaves in the British colonies : with a view to their ultimate emancipation; and on the practicability, the safety and the advantages of the latter measure / by T. Clarkson, Esq.
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