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Constitutional Law of the British Dominions, Keith, 1933
The constitutional law of the British Dominions: by Arthur B. Keith, xxvi+522p, London, Macmillan & Co., 1933. (A TOC starts on p. xi; an index on p.
493. A. Berriedale Keith, 1879-1944, was a Scottish constitutional lawyer who served with high distinction in the Colonial office from 1901-14. In
1914 he became Regius Professor of Sanscrit and Lecturer in Constitutional Law in the University of Edinburgh.)
Title:   The constitutional law of the British dominions / by Arthur Berriedale Keith, D.C.L., D. Litt., of the Inner Temple, barrister-at-law, and advocate of the Scottish Bar; Regius Professor of Sanskrit and comparative philology and lecturer on the Constitution of the British Empire at the University of Edinburgh; formerly assistant secretary to the Imperial conference.
OCLC Number:   574825898
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