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1967, Constitution of Brazil, 1969
Constitution of Brazil 1967 (As amended by Constitutional Amendment No. 1 of October 17, 1969. Published by the General Secretariat, Organization of
American States (Washington, D.C. 1969). iv + 73 p. Contents include Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (October 17, 1969), which states in Article 1,
“The Constitution of January 24, 1967, shall henceforth be in force with the following wording:” (at p. 1), followed by the English language text of the
Constitution of the Federal Republic of Brazil (pp. 2-73). The text concludes with: “Article 2. This Amendment shall enter info force on October 30,
1969. Brasilia, October 17, 1969, 148th year of Independence and 81st year of the Republic.”
Title:   Constitution of Brazil, 1967 : as amended by Constitutional amendment no. 1 of October 17, 1969.
OCLC Number:   1127218912
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