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1988, Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 2010 (3rd edition)
Chamber of Deputies, Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil. Published by Documentation and Information Center, Publishing Coordination
(Brasilia 3rd Edition 2010). 435 p. A note on the cover and title page reads, “Constitutional text of October 5, 1988, with the alterations introduced
by Constitutional Amendments No. 1/1992 through 64/2010 and by Revision Constitutional Amendments No. 1/1994 through 6/1994. Contents of this
publication include an Editor’s Note, a Table of Contents listing the Preamble and eight Titles, arranged in Chapters and Articles; and Title IX (consisting of
General Constitutional Provisions, Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act (Arts. 1 through 97); Constitutional Amendments, Nos. 1 to 64; and
Revision Constitutional Amendments, Nos. 1 to 6.
Title:   Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil / [translated by, Istvan Vajda, Patrícia de Queiroz Carvalho Zimbres, Vanira Tavares de Souza].
OCLC Number:   1354830679
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