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1872, California Civil Procedure Code (original official version)
The code of civil procedure of the State of California; Published under the authority of Law, by the Commissioners to Revise the Laws; Creed Haymond,
John C. Burch, John H. KMcKune: cvi+768p, Sacramento, T.A. Springer, State Printer, 1872. (The law codification movement in the United States, led by
David Dudley Field, saw its first fruits in the adoption by New York State of seminal codes of civil law and procedure in the 1860s. Following the
path of New York State, California codified its law and procedure in four codes adopted in 1872: Civil, Civil Procedure, Penal, and Political {all
offered on this site}. To keep these codes up to date, for a few subsequent legislative sessions two volumes of session laws were published, one of
“Statutes” and the other of “Acts Amendatory of the Codes”. As an example: in the Main Statutes Volume of 1973-74 the Table of Contents states that Chapter
1 of the 20th Session is an act authorizing the State Treasurer to take an action, while Chapter 2 states “See volume of Amendments to the Codes.”
Thus, the 1872 codes have, both historic standing, and also a role in the understanding of the amendments covered in the next several legislative
sessions. For decades the 1872 works were the only California codes, and topics on subjects not appropriate to one of the four codes continued to be enacted
as uncodified statutes.)
Title:   The code of civil procedure of the state of California / published under authority of law by Creed Haymond, John C. Burch, John H. McKune, commissioners to revise the laws.
OCLC Number:   646195041
Available Volumes
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Volume 1YesYes