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1879, Mason's Constitution of the State of California Annotated, 1933
Constitution of the State of California Annotated, 1933; compiled by Paul Mason. Published in single volume by direction of the California
Legislature and printed by the California State Printing Office. Xliii+2301 p. Contents include a table of contents; the constitutional text and case
references; a tables of amendments to the Constitution; a table of cases cited in the Notes; Constitution, and other authorities cited; and an Index to pages
and to constitutional provisions. Subsequent supplements were published in 1937 (covering the amendments adopted at the Special Election of June 1933,
and the General Elections of Nov. 1934 and Nov. 1936), 1939 (covering the Amendments adopted a the previously noted elections and the General Election
of Nov. 1938); and 1943 (covering amendments adopted at the previously noted elections and the General Elections of Nov. 1940 and Nov. 1942).
Title:   Constitution of the State of California, annotated, 1933 / compiled by Paul Mason.
OCLC Number:   681627320
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Volume 1YesNo
1933 SupplementYesNo
1934 SupplementYesNo
1937 SupplementYesNo
1939 SupplementYesNo
1943 SupplementYesNo