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1875, Trial of the Wainwrights, 1920
Trial of The Wainwrights, edited by H. B. Irving. With an Appreciation of the Editor, by Sir Edward Marshall Hall. Published by Canada Law Book
Company, Ltd. (Toronto 1920). xliv+235 p. This book includes an Introduction; Leading Dates in the cases of Henry and Thomas Wainwright (charged in the
murder of Harriet Lane); transcript of criminal court proceedings, November 22 – December 1, 1875, including the verdict and sentence; and illustrations.
(This volume is from the series Notable English Trials.)
Title:   Trial of the Wainwrights / edited by H.B. Irving ; with an appreciation of the editor by Sir Edward Marshall Hall.
OCLC Number:   890969695
Available Volumes
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Vol. 1YesYes