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1978, Senate. Select Committee on Indian Affairs. Inclusion of Native Hawaiians in Certain Indian Acts and Programs
Inclusion of Native Hawaiians in Certain Indian Acts and Programs. Hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs, 95th
Congress, 2d Session on S. 857 to include native Hawaiians in the Indian Education Act and certain other related education assistance programs; S. 859
to extend the provisions of he Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act to native Hawaiians; and S. 860 to extend the provisions of the
Indian Financing Act of 1974 to native Hawaiians. February 13-15, 1978. Printed by GPO (Washington 1978). v + 574 p. Contents include the opening
statement of Sen. James Abourezk; the text of the three Senate bills and Senate Joint Resolution 102; testimony and statements of witnesses including
Rep. Neil Abercrombie (Hawaii), representatives of the Congress of the Hawaiian People and other Hawaiian state officials and community organizations,
Sens. Spark Matsunaga and Daniel Inouye (Hawaii), and Hawaii education officials; and additional material ordered to be printed, including Hawaii House
Resolution 253 (1978).
Title:   Inclusion of native Hawaiians in certain Indian acts and programs : hearings before the United States Senate, Select Committee on Indian Affairs, Ninety-fifth Congress, second session, on S. 857, to include native Hawaiians in the Indian Education Act and certain other related education assistance programs, S. 859, to extend the provisions of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act to native Hawaiians, S. 860, to extend the provisions of the Indian Financing Act of 1974 to native Hawaiians, February 13-15, 1978.
OCLC Number:   608991143
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