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Selected Bibliography of Materials Related to American Indian Education, Economics and Deviant Behavior, 1970 (3rd Printing)
A Selected Bibliography of Materials Related to American Indian Education, Economics and Deviant Behavior. Compiled under the direction of Prof.
Charles Keller, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Prof. James Murray, Department of Economics, and Harold Finn, Research Assistant. Third printing
by Eastern Illinois University (Charleston, Illinois 1970). 39 p. Contents include sections on I, Material Related to American Indian Education, and
II, Material Related to Deviant Behavior of the American Indians; and lists books; reports, studies and journal articles; theses and dissertations;
and people and organizations.
Title:   A selected bibliography of materials related to American Indian education, economics and deviant behavior / compiled under the direction of Professor Charles Keller, Department of Sociology, Professor James Murray, Department of Economics, Harold Finn, research assistant.
OCLC Number:   1352235663
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