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1919-06-30, Office of Indian Affairs. Regulations to Govern Prospecting for and Mining of Metalliferous Minerals on Unallotted Lands of Indian Reservations
Regulations to Govern Prospecting for and Mining of Metalliferous Minerals on Unallotted Lands of Indian Reservations. Issued by Cato Sells,
Commissioner of Indian Affairs; approved September 16 1919, by Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of the Interior. Printed by GPO (Washington 1919). 12 p. Contents
include the regulations issued under section 26 of the act of June 30, 1919 (Public Law No. 3); includes legal forms, with instructions and
Title:   Regulations to govern prospecting for and mining of metalliferous minerals on unallotted lands of Indian reservations.
OCLC Number:   1014336455
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