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1838-11-23, Creek Nation-U.S.
Articles of a Treaty between the United States and the Creek Indians authorized by their Nation to adjust their claims for property and improvements
abandoned, or lost, in consequence of their emigration west of the Mississippi, November 23, 1838, 7 Stat. 574-575. ( Articles of a Treaty between the
United States and the Creek Indians in which they relinquish all claims for property abandoned when they emigrated west of the Mississippi. The
United States agreed to pay the Indians $50,000 in stock animals, and to invest for the benefit of the Creek Nation $350,000 at 5% interest to be paid
annually. The first year the interest was to be paid in money and thereafter in money, stock animals, blankets, and other articles of similar nature. The
treaty was concluded at Fort Gibson west of Arkansas on November 23, 1838.)
Title:   Articles of a Treaty, made and concluded at Fort Gibson west of Arkansas : between Captain William Armstrong act. superintendent Western Territory, and Brevt. Brig. Gen. Aruckle commissioners on the part of the United States and the undersigned chiefs being a full delegation of the Creek chiefs.
OCLC Number:   1304911888
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