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1755-12-07/1756-02-29, Speech of Maj. Gen. Johnson, at a meeting of the Six Nations … (MS)
Ft. Johnson, December 7, 175-February 29, 1756. Header: The speech of the Honorable Major General Johnson at a meeting of the Mohawks, Oneidas,
Tuscaroras, and Senecas. Arent Stevens, interpreter. Johnson told the brethren he had been notified of Delaware, Shawnee, and River Indian hostilities
over a wide area. Those Indians were supposed to be allies of the brethren, so couldn't the Nations stop the bloodshed? He was surprised they had not
done so already. He asked for news of the south and west and promised to pass on anything he learned. The responding chief was disturbed by news of
barbarities and would send messages to stop it. He also was interested in open communication. At a meeting of the Mohawks, Oneidas, and Tuscaroras,
December 16, 1755. The Tuscarora chief spoke, thanking Johnson for ammunition, guns, and paint. Over time, there had been talk of a place of
defense, but it had not happened. Another chief said the group was ready to "live or die with the English." The French had invited them to come to a
meeting, but they declined. If the British wanted the Delaware to settle down, a large present should do it. The Shawnees have been sent for, but if they
don't come, the Oneidas will go to them and demand answers. They mentioned the promise of a fort, but it hadn't been built. Johnson's answer
February 17, 1756. A. Stevens, interpreter. Johnson thanked them for their friendly speech and their willingness to stand with the British. Please let me
know about your meeting with the Shawnee. Johnson would try to get a fort built. (Digitized from a microfilm copy held at the Pennsylvania State
Historical Society)
Title:   The speech of the Hono.ble Major General Johnson at a meeting of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Tuscaroras and Sinicas / Arent Stevens, interpreter.
OCLC Number:   1436835476
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
1755 Dec 7/1756 Feb 17YesNo
Feb. 16YesNo
Feb. 18 (private meeting)YesNo
Feb. 18YesNo
Feb. 19YesNo
Feb. 19 (meeting with principal warriors)YesNo
Feb. 20-28YesNo
Feb. 29YesNo